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Contribution Guide

Hi! We're really excited that you're interested in contributing to Vue DevTools! Before submitting your contribution, please read through the following guide.

Development Setup

You will need Node.js version 18.12+, and PNPM version 8+.

We also recommend installing @antfu/ni to help switching between repos using different package managers. ni also provides the handy nr command which running npm scripts easier.

After cloning the repo, run:

pnpm i # install the dependencies of the project


Since electron is used in the project, if your network environment is unstable, you may be unable to install dependencies. You can use the following command to set up the mirror, and run pnpm i again to install the dependencies.

pnpm config set ELECTRON_MIRROR

Git Hooks

The project uses simple-git-hooks to enforce the following on each commit:

  • Automatically format changed files using ESLint


Build the project with watch mode:

pnpm dev


Build the project with:

pnpm build

And then run the playground:

pnpm play


Please feel free to submit pull requests for bug fixes. If you have any new ideas or feature requests, please open an issue or discussion first.

Released under the MIT License.