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Vite Plugin

We provide a Vite plugin for running Vue DevTools. If your project uses Vite, we highly recommend using it as the preferred option for running DevTools, as it offers more powerful features.

Compatibility Note

Vue DevTools requires Vite v3.1 or higher.


$ npm add -D vite-plugin-vue-devtools
$ pnpm add -D vite-plugin-vue-devtools
$ yarn add -D vite-plugin-vue-devtools
$ bun add -D vite-plugin-vue-devtools


//  Configuration Vite

import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import VueDevTools from 'vite-plugin-vue-devtools'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [


interface VitePluginVueDevToolsOptions {
   * append an import to the module id ending with `appendTo` instead of adding a script into body
   * useful for projects that do not use html file as an entry
   * WARNING: only set this if you know exactly what it does.
   * @default ''
  appendTo?: string | RegExp

   * Enable vue component inspector
   * @default true
  componentInspector?: boolean | VitePluginInspectorOptions

   * Target editor when open in editor (v7.2.0+)
   * @default code (Visual Studio Code)
  launchEditor?: 'appcode' | 'atom' | 'atom-beta' | 'brackets' | 'clion' | 'code' | 'code-insiders' | 'codium' | 'emacs' | 'idea' | 'notepad++' | 'pycharm' | 'phpstorm' | 'rubymine' | 'sublime' | 'vim' | 'visualstudio' | 'webstorm'

   * Customize openInEditor host
   * @default false
   * @deprecated This option is deprecated and removed in 7.1.0. The plugin now automatically detects the correct host.
  openInEditorHost?: string | false

   * DevTools client host
   * useful for projects that use a reverse proxy
   * @default false
   * @deprecated This option is deprecated and removed in 7.1.0. The plugin now automatically detects the correct host.
  clientHost?: string | false

Released under the MIT License.